As a student at Walford, your email address uses your Student ID number in the format of :
To access this account, you will need your Walford password.
Forgotten your password? Try this guide or contact IT.
There are a few different ways to access your school email account. Click on the option you would like to use for instructions on how to set it up.
Microsoft Outlook
1. To use Microsoft Outlook, first make sure that Microsoft Office has been installed on your laptop. Instructions for this can be found here.
2. Once Microsoft Office is installed, open the "launchpad", located in the bottom bar of your desktop, generally a square with 9 coloured squares inside it.
Once launchpad is open, look for the "Microsoft Outlook" icon and click on it.
To make Outlook easier to find, you can add the outlook icon to your "dock" (bar down the bottom of the screen). This can be done by right-clicking on the outlook icon, and choosing "keep in dock"
Once Outlook has opened for the first time, a window will open with a blue "get started" button - this will begin setting up your account.
3. The next step is to activate office (if this is the first time you have signed in to a Microsoft application.) If you have already used office before/activated office, skip to step 4. If you already have an account set up in outlook, skip to step 5.
Click "Sign In", then enter your school email address in the format ( and press "next". Then enter your password in the next window and click "sign in".
If you have entered the correct email address and password, a brief privacy notice will pop up, just click "done". This will complete the activation of Microsoft Office, and you will have the option to "start using outlook" in the next window.
4. Either click "start using outlook" (if continuing from step 3) or "get started" (if step 3 was skipped).
You will now be prompted to "add" your account. As you have previously activated Microsoft Office, your school email should be displayed as "add" on a blue button. If not, a blue "add an account" button will be present. Click on the relevant button and provide your password again if prompted. Once your account is successfully added, an option to "personalise now" will appear.
5. All of your currently set up accounts will be listed on the left of the outlook window. The section where your email address is displayed is where your school emails can be accessed from.
Well done! Microsoft Office is now all set up with your school email.
If you wish to add another account to Microsoft Outlook, click on the "outlook" word at the top left of the screen, then click on "preferences". When the preferences window opens, click on "accounts"
Finally, click on the small "+" icon at the bottom left of the window and select "New Account". Add in the details of your account, as per the instructions found in step 3.
Apple Mail
1. To access Mail, find the mail icon, located in the bottom bar of your desktop screen.
2. When you open Mail for the first time, a list of mailbox types will appear - this is where you select what type of account to use. Walford email accounts use the "Microsoft Exchange" option, so click this so that the blue dot lines up with that option.
3. Next, enter your walford email address - ( Then press "sign in". You will then be asked if you would like to sign in automatically or manually. Click "sign in" again to select the automatic option.
4. You will now be prompted for your Walford password. Enter this and press "sign in" once again to sign in to your account.
5. Now some options to configure you account will be available. The first window asks what you would like to sync to your computer from your account. Feel free to leave all options ticked or remove as you wish. The next window gives you privacy options. Again, this is open to personal preference - choose whichever best suits.
Your email account will now be listed on the left side of the mail window. Most likely this will be labelled as "Exchange"
Congratulations! Your emails will now be received by Apple Mail.
6. If you would like to add a new account, or, update the "name" from "Exchange" to something easier to remember, Click on "Mail" at the top of your desktop, next to the apple symbol, then "accounts".
Once the accounts window opens, if re-naming the account, select "details" on the right side of the window. You will then have the option to change the "description" of the account. This is what is shown in Apple Mail. To add a new account, click the small "+" icon at the bottom of the window.
To access your school email online, via either google chrome or safari use the following:
1. Go to
2. Enter your Walford email address & password
If you are on a trusted device (eg: your own laptop) you can select to remember the password.
Once you have selected either yes or no, you will see your "online" mailbox.
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